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Welcome to the LITMUS Nonword Repetition Tasks

These webpages provide information about LITMUS nonword repetition tasks. These tasks were created initially as part of the COST Action IS0804 'Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment' funded by the EU RTD Framework Programme.


After the end of the funding period, the tasks were further developed and adapted for more languages.


​Key outcomes of this work are the LITMUS Crosslinguistic Nonword Repetition Test and the LITMUS Quasi-universal Nonword Repetition Test.


LITMUS Crosslinguistic Nonword Repetition Test

This test was designed to assess phonological memory regardless of children’s language background and experience. 

To be maximally compatible with the diverse phonologies of the world’s languages, nonwords vary in length but have simple syllable structure and a limited range of vowels and consonants.

Language-neutral recordings of the nonwords are available for universal use.

LITMUS Quasi-universal Nonword Repetition Test

This test was designed to assess phonological abilities and varies with regard to the syllable complexity.

The test has two parts. The quasi-universal part combines typologically well-attested vowels and consonants to syllables of different complexities. The language-specific part adds language-specific syllable configurations. To minimise demands on memory, nonwords are no longer than three syllables.

Recordings are available for several languages.

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